Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Ma'ulu'ulu is a sitting down dance that both girls and boys attent. Ma'ulu'ulu was first introduce when missinaries reach The Friendly Island. Nowadays this traditinal dance performe in any occation that connect to the Royal Family. There are sitting position in this dance. In the middle which divide the girls from the boys sit the most high chief or daughter or son of that province chief.

Ma'ulu'ulu is now perform all over the world and the "punake" the composer has their own way of sitting their performer and way of composing there song. In the old days they have to use one of the old ma'ulu'ulu song but nowadays they just choose their own song according to their own intrest.

There a change in the sitting position, dress code and the song at the same time there's still way of making the Ma'ulu'ulu will intresting to perform for tourist and in any occation. For the picture it's a ma'ulu'ulu perform by a group they mix all the Traditinal dance and they make it will intrest for visitors. Hope that all the change will not change the quality and important of this Tongan Traditinal Dance.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi leni! :)
i hope this is you ahhaaha..thank you for the lovely blog! i'd love to hear more of Tongan traditional dancing (thesis maybe ahhaha) ofa atu